Currently, DNN has user registration name in an American format: Firstname, Lastname.
In the Netherlands (as well as many other countries), a name of a person can have an infix field between first name and last name. E.g. "Pieter van den Hoogenband": "Pieter" = 1st name, "van den" = infix, "Hoogenband" = lastname, alphabetical order on "Hoogenband", not on "van den". The infix is needed for various other countries as well, e.g. German speeking, French speeking, Italian speeking, and probably more.
We have a complete fully completed list of modications (modules, lines, SQL script, etc.) that have to made to the DNN core (3.1.1) in order to have an infix field in the user name area.
Is this an option for a project?