OK, I'm at the point of babbling to myself.
I'm running ASP.Net 2.0, DNN 4.3.5. I've got some C# code written in the full-on development environment that works just fine - if a user logs in and is missing some information I require in the profile, I use AddModuleMessage(this, "Need more data", ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType.YellowWarning). I also call a display routine to display whatever is there. When the info is completed and submitted, I post to the database and re-call the display routine.
Then I publish/compile the code into dlls and zip it up, and try to install it on a test portal. When I register a new user and go to the module, I get no warning message like I do in the development environment. When I complete the information and submit it, I get a postback - but the re-display doesn't display anything, and the information never ends up in the database. I have put in a RegisterStartUpScript command which displays a javascript alert, which runs in the on_click event. Displays when running in development; not at all in test (interestingly enough, parhaps twice out of a hundred times it did, however).
I'm at my wits end - I'm definitely not a novice at this, I've written dozens of production modules.
If anybody has helpful suggestions, either as to what might be going on, where to look, or how to debug the deployed dll code, I'd be most appreciative. Thanks.