Hello everybody,
I had a BOT attack.... 94000 USERS on one of my portals of my DNN7 installation (07.00.04 (180)) !!! The good news is I know exactly which user is GOOD and which one is BAD! They have been added all to the same portal within 3 days! So I need a SQL Statement that DELETES all users created between two different dates, that belongs to a given portal.
I don't need to set "IsDelete"=1 (No soft delete)! I need a proper SQL Statement that ELIMINATES, DELETES the user, from all the related tables!
Is there a standard HARD DELETE SQL script that takes care about all the joins, where the SQL executer can then modify its own parameters! I know that the User tables are complex in DNN, and I dont want to invest time in understanding them into detail and write my own SQL script that could cause damage. But there must be a ready to use, tested SQL SCRIPT to HARD delete users.
My Pseudocode would look something like that:
Delete * Users with PortalID=15, and UserCreationDate between 25/08/2014 and 28/08/2014.
Thank you very much,