DNN 7.4.2 on Azure
I have two staging websites. I had SearchBoost installed on them until I uninstalled them. After the uninstall, I noticed that the Log started showing errors:
- Scheduler Exception - Unable to create Lucene writer (lock file is in use). Please recycle AppPool in IIS to release lock.
- Scheduler Event Failure - Unable to create Lucene writer (lock file is in use). Please recycle AppPool in IIS to release lock.
These errors appear frequently. I searched around and made the following changes:
- I deleted the Scheduled Jobs related to SearchBoost
- I re-uploaded the 3 Lucene dlls to the bin folder
- I updated the web.config to re-add the dependentassembly tags
- I recycled the application domain and re-indexed the content
- I stopped Azure and restarted it
By now I should be free of SearchBoost and have it back to the original settings for search but I'm still getting those General Exceptions and Scheduler Failure exception. How can I force the site to release the lock file? What am I missing?