Thanks to all people trying to help. Here is today test and results (in summary, still the same problem....)
> When entering your module for the first time, it
> shows me your files in ascending mode 001, 002, etc
Strange, it is set up to display by date...
>Do you have anything enabled?. Compression?.. White space filter? any other httphandler?
No, nothing can cause this. As explained above, I have the same problem on a fresh 4.5.1 without anything. I have send you an email Locopon, with the creditential to the site, feel free to do ALL TESTS you want.
> Sounds like a compression issue. Are you using PageBlaster or another form of compression?
As explained above, I have the problem on a fresh 4.5.1, I will send you the creditential (tell me how to contact you or send me an email using the contact page of my site)
> Can you please check your host settings and make sure that 'whitespace' filter is turned off ( not checked )
Everything is Off...
For other paramaters, login and check yourself, do not hesitate to modify it.