Thanks John, that's a handy tip.
For the skinobject problem, please be advised that it MUST be uploaded through Module Definitions. The purpose of this action is to add to the system a tag which can be translated on the client side. Just go to Module Definitions ---> [SkinObject] , you'll understand what I mean. In your case, FTP action is not enough for the server to regcognize the tag.
So here's what you should do :
1. Choose install new module ---> PortalName (make sure you use the latest version 3.0.0)
2. The installation is successful if the details about extracting files and registering controls along with the "Installation successful" message at the bottom are shown.
3. To ensure that it is installed properly, go to Module Definition --> [SkinObject] and check if the PortalName control has been added or not.
(I assume that after you installed the module, you couldn't find the folder in Desktop Modules because you tried to find a folder name "Portal Name" ; the module folder is actually "VMasanas-PortalName")
4. Register the TagName and place it in the skin like usual.
I tested the skinobject on my local computer and it worked like a charm.
Hope this helps.