Relkeel, DNN is great for almost anything. If you can get a suitable design/skin, or have one built then it should work well.
XMOD ( ) is a great tool for creating custom input forms and then displaying the data in both list and details templates. The form input can be for the registered users/artists and the viewing would be for all visitors.
I am using it extensively on this site. Click on the XM & Sirius link on the left to go directly to a product listing and then click on a more details link to the detail template. Some of the top items like MP3 have subcategories and don't go direclty to the templates. I have a very extensive input form that categorizes and prioritizes products, so that some show up on multiple pages and some are listed higher on the page. There are also resellers that can login and see their own distinct product numbers and pricing, all from the same dataset and module.
The biggest question I would have is how many pictures are you typically expecting per artist? You can use a file upload to associate pictures to a record, but if the Galleries are extensive, then it might get cumbersome. There could be a way to separate out the Gallery and then link the Profile and Gallery together on a page. You can pass in URL parameters and do jscript in the form as well.
Here is a form that collects a bit of registration data, does some jscript to calculate total pricing and then after storing the data in an XMod record passes the results on to a cart.
XMod 5 is suppose to come out soon with even more advanced functionality. But my stuff is all on XMod 4.
Hope this helps.