Hi All,
I have posted on a couple of others threads that were already up and running about smaller 'Web Accessibility' issues etc but after doing a site wide search just now, I couldn't find anything documentation wise to support 'Where Is The Latest Version of DNN Web Accessibilty Upto'?
I think it would be a massive help to all concerned if as has been read in previous threads and mentioned increasingly by others, we could have a Sticky Thread in the Forums somewhere? If the developers of DNN could take what they know they have been writing in to DNN up to the Latest Version, document the features in a bullet pointed list this would be mutually beneficial for all and could stop a whole host of DNN users (Especially new one's like me) needing to ask for the wider picture as such, or clogging up the forums with similar or frustrating questions for you.
The problem is that whilst I see there are a few threads about the subject, there doesn't seem to be anything definitive unfortunately and in my case (No doubt others) I need to know exactly to what level of features inside DNN has, that can aid DNN'ers when deciding and wanting to use DNN as their platform for developing their portals / websites.
I am actually planning to build my companies portal which has a consumer (We also have a B2B market) target market, of persons who suffer physical and/or intellectual challenges during their daily lives and hence I have to keep my feet on the ground and before I can confidently say to my team 'Yes we have found the solution we have so long been waiting for in DNN', I need to know the ins and outs of any restrictions and exactly what DNN as a platform offers me when developing our site 'Web Accessibility Wise'
I think it could also be mutually beneficial to add another sticky thread just below the above mentioned one with the following;
As I have ascertained we have Modules / Skins offered through the DNN MarketPlace but we also no doubt have members of the site who actually create / can write Modules / Skins within their own businesses or maybe they do it from home as a hobby etc. Could I put in a request for somehow all Modules / Skins that meet the standard Web Accessibility compliancy that those module / skinner persons can confidently state as they will have no doubt tested them before putting them live online. Thus giving the writers a sticky thread to post their Offering / Service that pertains to 'Web Accessibility' as a whole and hence this would undoubtedly compliment the first above mentioned sticky thread.
I understand in the web development world and from reading the few threds on here the past 24hrs, that some developers are willing to take the extra time to build their offerings with Web Accessibility in mind, whereas for numerous reasons some are not. This is fine and not a criticism on my part as you no doubt all do a valuable and wonderful job but due to this some do and some don't, or some agree and some don't as is obviously the consensus in the forums and worldwide.
I think to be able to give people who like me come to DNN thinking they may have found the Gold they need to get their sites going, what 'Web Accessibility' features are built in to the latest DNN version would be a huge benefit. Both threads can then be updated by the DNN team or Module / Skinners with updated feature list as per each release of a new DNN version.
It really is becoming a big issue indeed from Governments and Disability Bodies in most of the larger worlds powerhouses like UK, USA, Australia, Sweden and so on and will most definitely grow with the recently signed United Nations first new human rights treaty of the 21st Century which is the 'Rights of Persons with Disabilities', As this experiences transformation, expansion like all treaties it will start affecting daily things we all do for the better and I can confirm in many sectors of business and consumers there is a always growing demand for good practice. Also please remember that it is a known fact that if you make your premises, business, website etc accessible to persons who experience physical or intellectual challenges in their daily lives, you also increase your attractiveness to the Elderly Community, Temporarily Incapacitated persons who would otherwise previously never had such an issue with accessing websites etc but it can happen to anybody at anytime.
The 'Rights of Persons with Disabilities', has the following signatures to take it forward and evolve it over the coming years and decades;
Total number of Convention signatories: 99
Total number of Optional Protocol signatories: 54
Well I will leave it at that for now but my thread is to try and cut through the fog with this very much growing issue for many developers, designers and potential clients alike. I do hope and feel that you can embrace / accept my reasons for this thread and the only end result I would dearly love to see come out of it obviously for my own end so I know the score with what DNN can or can't do for me but also for the many hundreds if not thousands that need to know the exact same information and is now a big part of companies or businesses development.
Let's all work together as always to offer the easily collated information that can most definitely be of so much use to all current and future DNN'ers.