I added a flashfilte to my skin: rgtegel.swf. In this file: i load the xml file: images.xml. This xmlfile contains the url to the images: photo/1.Jpg, ... .
The flashfile is working in html, the xml file is also working... . But, when i added the swf file to my skinfile, the movie was loaded (because in my source i added the: <%= SkinPath %> but! the xml isn't loading, neither are the images. I know this is completly normal, because the swf file cann't find the xml and images, because he thinks he is in a different location.
Has anyone an idea how to solve this? If i can put my images and xmlfile in a different location, maybe it's solved then... I tried the root map, but it isn't working.
Which is the basemap dnn skinning is always working from... so maybe i can make everything absolute: i rewrite the .swf with the absolute location in my portal for the xml, and in the xml, i write the absolute location for the images.
Thx in advance,