I was wondering if some module's output could be rendered just like a service call. we all know that using IFrame a url can be shown within a page, what if IFrame could be used to show another module contents (instead of a full page).
for example look at this very very simplified html code and ignore the syntaxes::
this code can be used anywhere in the portal either wherever html is directly used like html/text module or header/footer of the modules or repository's item description.also it's service calls may be used by the running code to link two or more modules and create a new composit module.
<P> below you will find our product categories/prices/size discounts:
<td><IFRAME href="/modrender?mid=1;¶m=1"> </td>
<td><IFRAME href="/modrender.aspx?mid=3;¶m=4">>
<td><IFRAME href="/modrender.aspx?mid=15;¶m=10">></td></tr</td
<td colspan=3><IFRAME href="/modrender.aspx?id=6"></td></tr>
please let us know product id and shipping method of your choice.
currently generating such a table needs creation of 4 containerless page tabs in dnn and replacement of modrender?mid=x with tabid/xxx/default.aspx
I see this as an exciting feature since many portal capabilities can be used like a service, for example token replacement in the portal can be done somehow like this
portal hierarchy can be hidden and images can be referenced like this imagerender?FileId=6767
and module creators will tend to separate cms(managing content) related operations from portal ones (rendering and positioning content).
I have a repository module, displaying 5 products per page, I need to display order/price configurations for all models of each repository item just below it. this means that I should enter price/order configs. as html in description field of repository items. it could be charming if I could reference a UDT table or XML/XSL module for that data.
There are a lot of points in the portal where text or html can be used (like module header/footer, announcement template), I am not aware how token replacement will handle this.
case 3 : page editors are bound to page layout. there are always cases where you need to partialy override them heare or there.
thank you case three page authors can apply containers per page or module, to control the visual appearance.