thanks for all the various tips, I still can't get it to work thoug.
What I have now is that the default skins resides in the _default folder
I have uploaded my skin into the portalfolder/0/skins/myskinfolder trough ftp
I still cant have two different skins if I change skin in apperance under admin for the site it just changes skin when I am inlogged and not on the frontend, just on the backend as before..
I have to change in the apperence settings all the times since the sitenavigation pane always dissapears..
Is there no possibillty how to make me smarter on this, and how the %¤#%#¤ do I have one untouched skin for the backend and one my own skin for the frontend? and say for example i want to remove the login feature on the frontend how do I then login?
i just want to point out this is the skin for the backend let it be like that, and this is the skin for the fronend and its the one iäve put in the portals folder and that i can play with and put it up trough ftp..
Please help again!