I’m having a world of trouble with single sign on in an intranet implementation with DNN 4.7.
If a user is registered on a site, they are logged in with their own credentials. If this is their first time, they log in anonymously. This account then browses back to a site they are registered on and are logged into this site anonymously.
When I attempt to login through the skin’s login control using Windows Auth, I am getting a login failure despite using DOMAIN\username and correct password. This is frustrating however it’s not something critically important as without single sign on, I am unwilling to deploy DNN as my company’s intranet.
My setup is exactly as per the AD Provider User Guide. When I attempted to impersonate, the whole installation fell over, reporting server error in “/”, access denied to CarlosAg.ExcelXmlWriter. My account for impersonation has the same rights to my DNN folder as Network Service.
I have a parent portal with 2 child portals. I have been able to confirm that if I browse to http://[portal address]/desktopmodules/authenticationservices/activedirectory/windowssignin.aspx then I am signed in though I can only use this to log into the parent site. I have read Mike’s comments elsewhere on this.
I don’t know if anyone has any tips here but it sounds like this is a pretty regular problem on this forum.