At this moment i have a project to make a new web-portal for a company, this company own's many other company's.
In the picture stands a example above like the actual situatie, below is the situatie how it should look like. By looking at the reference the correct page should be shown.

For each company's site there should be a setting if it should show its parent. The picture below shows a exampe how the portal should look like.

When the site of Company c will be visited the upper bar should be empty
When the site of Company b will be visited the upper bar should show company A
When the site of Company a will be visited the upper bar also should be empty.
If company b owns company d the upper bar should show first company a en below company d)
Now finaly my question. Is this situations posible with dnn and how could i keep all this organised in the cms. If anyone has tips how i could make this function i love to hear them.
I hope everything is obvious.