I was trying to build the DLL so I could debug it. Unzipped and after a few patches (msbuild tasks, and a hard coded d:\ path) I got a debug version.
Anyway. When I install the provider, the AD query comes back with 2 domains:
blah.net and rootblah.net, I don't know what the rootblah.net is. So in the settings I put:
When I login through the "Login" control, control in:
Public Shared Function GetUserEntryByName(ByVal Name As String) As DirectoryEntry
' Create search object then assign required params to get user entry in Active Directory
Dim objSearch As New ADSI.Search(GetRootDomain)
Dim userEntries As ArrayList
Dim userEntry As DirectoryEntry
Dim userDomain As ADSI.Domain
GetRootDomain goes to the cache and pulls out rootblah.net as the domain name and is the source of the error.
If I interceed with the debugger in GetRootDomain and switch the domain to blah.net the login will work.
As for calling from windowssignin.aspx, it also goes to the config cache and doesn't appear to hit active directory each time. I didn't debug, but I bet it has cached the correct blah.net.