Thanks for answering..
I have uninstalled forums module and I saw that all tables and procedures relating to forums were deleted.
Then I downloaded forum module from and installed forum module again, and tha same problem happened.
I viewed *.*.*.SqlDataProvider files of the installatin package, and I saw, for example, this code in the first file (03.00.00.SqlDataProvider):
CREATE TABLE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Forum_Forums (
[ForumID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[GroupID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[IsActive] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[ParentID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Name] [nvarchar] (255) NOT NULL ,
[Description] [nvarchar] (2048) NULL ,
[CreatedDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[CreatedByUser] [int] NULL ,
[UpdatedByUser] [int] NULL ,
[UpdatedDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[IsModerated] [bit] NULL ,
[DaysToView] [int] NULL ,
[SortOrder] [int] NULL ,
[TotalPosts] [int] NULL ,
[TotalThreads] [int] NULL ,
[EnablePostStatistics] [bit] NULL ,
[EnableAutoDelete] [bit] NULL ,
[AutoDeleteThreshold] [int] NULL ,
[MostRecentPostID] [int] NULL ,
[MostRecentThreadID] [int] NULL ,
[MostRecentPostAuthorID] [int] NULL ,
[MostRecentPostDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[PostsToModerate] [int] NULL ,
[ForumType] [int] NULL ,
[IsIntegrated] [bit] NULL ,
[IntegratedModuleID] [int] NULL ,
[IntegratedObjects] [nvarchar] (255) NULL ,
[IsPrivate] [bit] NULL ,
[AuthorizedRoles] [nvarchar] (255) NULL ,
[AuthorizedEditRoles] [nvarchar] (255) NULL
Tha is, the IsPrivate column is created in the Forum_Forums table.
Then I saw this code in 04.03.00.SqlDataProvider file:
UPDATE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Forum_Forums
PublicView = 1
IsPrivate = 0
Immediately after that command, this other is issued:
ALTER TABLE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Forum_Forums DROP
COLUMN [IsPrivate]
As you see, IsPrivate column is being deleted.
That's why all the procedures are created correctly when the module is installed but when trying to deploy, SQL erros are thrown.
Any further comments on this will be very appreciated.