In my opinion, one of the main features of the so-called repository systems is the possibility to deal with a versionning system, in order to allow several users to work on the same file; you've got this in sharepoint, in sourceforge and other "code repositories", and you've got this in the best selling Document Exchange module from Peter's Bring2Mind.
That would for instance ease the setup of a global public moderated repository for module locales, as well as for other non code stuff. I'm pretty sure allowing people to submit on each other's work would bring something powerful to the community. Of course, as a developper, I would also love to be able to browse the latest codes checkin on sourceforge, but that is another story...
Moderation is already implemented, that probably wouldn't be a big thing to add -> For example, you might just postfix the file names with their version on each submission, and get a pointer to the currently approved version. Maybe an archive browsing module form would fit well also.
I don't see that feature on the road map. Did you think about it? Any comments?