= DNN Search and Replace tool =
A generic DNN Search and Replace tool
Useful e.g. to replace (fix) broken links on HTML/TEXT modules or stored phisical server path in a module's setwhen moving the site from host/server or URL.
Download from: http://www.evotiva.com/Downloads/tabid/54/Default.aspx
It's a single is self-contained ASPX page. To work, it does not need any stored procedure, DLL, vb or cs file, etc..
No module to install/register.
Just upload to your site (in any folder, even the root) and browse to it.
Before browsing to the page, you must be logged in as a super user (host).
Select the table (tablesList) where you want to search and/or replace data on the configured column (columnsList)
You can enter a term to search and once you click on <search> a grid will display the results (may be in the future paging/sorting could be implemented)
The search will look for the given string on the select table/column. The search will match 'contains...' and 'starts with...'
The search will be case sensitive or not depending on you database configuration (the database collation). Typically (by default), the search is case-insensitive.
Clicking on <Replace> will replace every instance of the search string with the defined 'Replace With' string.
An empty 'Replace With' is valid. Therefore, you can 'delete' text.
The replace operation is case-insensitive. You can easily modify this on the Replace() method (may be in the future a checkbox could be added)
The "Settings" region within the ASPX file defines the tables available for the tool (where the tool can search and replace).
You can add more (or remove), specifying the table name, column where to search & replace and the primary key column of the table.
You do this adding each value to each array defined below (tablesList, columnsList, primarykeysList).
You can even add the same table and a different column to search/replace. (may be in the future a more detailed description can be added to the dropdown)
You can add any table, for which the following conditions are meet:
- you are searching in a string column (varchar, nvarchar, text, ntext,..)
- the table has a single column primary key of type integer
To handle long-time running operations (e.g. if you search/replace within a very huge table) you may have to set or increase the executionTimeout
value defined for <httpRuntime> in the web.config file.
e.g.: <httpRuntime useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl="true" executionTimeout="96000" maxRequestLength="10192" requestLengthDiskThreshold="10192" />