I do care about DNN being XHTML compliant!
Thanks Nina, that is the exact info I needed.
It's not browser specific, the link Nina posted is a direct link to the w3c validator with the site in the querystring.
This is the HTML validator sees (check the source checkbox)
<div class="menu_style">
<span><div width="100%" class="DNNMenu main_dnnmenu_submenu" name="dnn$dnnNAV$ctldnnNAV" id="dnn_dnnNAV_ctldnnNAV">
<span name="92" id="92"><span class=" "></span><a class="main_dnnmenu_rootitem_selected main_dnnmenu_rootitem_selected" href="http://www.dnnbeta.com/Home/tabid/92/Default.aspx">Home</a></span>
Strange BTW, that the validator does not complain about the div inside a span which is an XHTML violation too.
So what is causing this?
IMO this must be because DNN menu sees the validator as a downlevel browser / crawler and renders the menu differently (in divs).
I do all my test with the HTML validator plugin for Firefox (which is mostly more strict if configured right then the W3c Validator) and the page generated in all regular browsers is XHTML compliant (it really is ;-)
You can test this by validating the source of the page as Alex suggested.
It's just that DNN menu's down level rendering does not seem to be...
I'll log the issue