- GetPortalRoles: Returns all roles for a specified portal. Input to the stored procedure is PortalID, and output is all data from the Roles table for
the specified portal.
- GetRoleMembership: Inputs PortalID, optional RoleID, and optional UserID and returns all roles, and/or members of a specific role.
- GetRolesByUser: Accepts a UserID and PortalID and returns all the roles the user is assigned for a particular portal.
- AddUserRole: For adding a user to a specific role.
We check the DNN roles against the roles from our edit settings by looping through the array:
'make a call the users class.
Dim objUser As New UsersDB
'now execute the stored procedures to get all the portal roles.
Dim EditArticleRoles As SqlDataReader = objUser.GetPortalRoles(PortalId)
' Clear existing items in checkboxlist
Dim aryAuthArticlesRoles As String()
'now populate the array with the delimited string that was previously
'stored in the module settings hash table value of "AuthArticleRoles".
aryAuthArticlesRoles = Split(CType(Settings("AuthArticlesRoles"), String), ";")
Dim allEditArticleItems As New System
allEditArticleItems.Text = "All Users"
allEditArticleItems.Value = glbRoleAllUsers
'check and see if all users are allowed to access the module, if so check the checkbox.
If InStr(1, Settings("AuthArticlesRoles"), glbRoleAllUsers & ";") <> 0 Then
allEditArticleItems.Selected = True
End If
Dim iArt As Integer
'now go through all the roles and check them against our array to see
'what roles should be selected for the module.
While EditArticleRoles.Read()
Dim itemArt As New System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem
itemArt.Text = CType(EditArticleRoles("RoleName"), String)
itemArt.Value = EditArticleRoles("RoleID").ToString()
For iArt = 0 To UBound(aryAuthArticlesRoles)
If aryAuthArticlesRoles(iArt) = itemArt.Value Then
itemArt.Selected = True
End If
End While
Now that we have the roles defined we want to check and see if a user is in one of the roles that we specified in the edit module. So in the user control do the following; we get all the roles that the user has associate with them and check them against the roles we selected in the edit module. For this application we have roles that can add articles to the module:
Dim objSec2 As New UsersDB
Dim dr As String() = objSec2.GetRolesByUser(Context.User.Identity.Name, _
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(dr)
'check to see if the role is defined for edit access as
'we set previously in our edit module.
If InStr(Settings("AuthEditRoles"), CType(dr(i), String) & ";") And _
(CType(dr(i), String) <> "") Then
SiteEdit = True
End If
The above method is one way to get all the roles for a specific user. The next method is making a call and checking to see if a user is in a particular role or roles:
Dim objSecurity As PortalSecurity
'here we pass our delimited string value to the method and it will
'return a true or false if the user is in the role or not.
If objSecurity.IsInRoles(CType(Settings("AuthArticlesRoles"), String)) Then
rowArticle.Visible = True
End If
In this next example, we have a transaction that occurs, if the transaction is successful, then we add a user to a specific role. This example is pulled from a PayPal IPN transaction. Once PayPal says the transaction was successful, we'll add the user to role that was specified in the edit module for this particular application:
If Trim(strPurchaseRoles) <> "" Then
'add user to role(s)
Dim objUser As New UsersDB
Dim aryPurchaseRoles As String()
aryPurchaseRoles = Split(CType(Settings("PurchaseRoles"), String), ";")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(aryPurchaseRoles)
'add the user to each role specified in the settings hash value of PurchaseRoles.
objUser.AddUserRole(PortalID, aryPurchaseRoles(i), intUserID)
End If