Well, it wasn't my intent to start yet another PE vs CE thread but it appears to be headed that way. From the views vs. replies ratio on this thread it appears my suggestion may have been a stupid one. But thanks Erik and David for the replies.
@Erik To me core vs. "enhancements" is really just semantics. For instance, 18 months ago it was announced that the "core" of DNN 5 would have workflow. Now, per the first post in this thread http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Community/Forums/tabid/795/forumid/118/threadid/295827/scope/posts/threadpage/1/Default.aspx it appears that the "core" will have a stripped down version of workflow with the PE version having full workflow via "enhancements".
@David I don't understand the difference between keeping track of a license for the core vs. keeping track of licences for third party "enhancements". Seems to me it would be easier to keep track of one "core" license that covers many "enhancements".
I guess I'll be disappointed and a bit surprised (and apparently a bit naive) to learn that the DNN community is just a bunch of people who want something for nothing and should DNN turn into another SugarCRM these people would just move to another open source platform.
Another danger I see is the fact that the cost for third party "enhancements" have TRIPLED in the past year and a half. Yes, there are still some third party "enhancements" that are a very good value. But I guess that "enhancement" costs is another thread.