Im a newbie to dotnetnuke.. i downloaded DotNetNuke 4.9.4 version and extracted as mentioned in the documentation.. i have pasted the text mentioned in the readme.txt for your reference..
For more details please see the DotNetNuke Installation Guide (downloadable from dotnetnuke.com)
Clean Installation
- .NET Framework 2.0 must be installed
- unzip package into C:\DotNetNuke
- create Virtual Directory in IIS called DotNetNuke which points to the directory where the DotNetNuke.webproj file exists )
- make sure you have default.aspx specified as a Default Document in IIS
- rename release.config -> web.config
- SQL Server 2000 or 2005
- manually create SQL Server database named "DotNetNuke" ( using Enterprise Manager or your tool of choice )
- set the connection string in web.config in TWO places ( ie. <add key="SiteSqlServer" value="Server=(local);Database=DotNetNuke;uid=;pwd=;" /> )
- the {Server}/NetworkService user account must have Read, Write, and Change Control of the root website directory and subdirectories ( this allows the application to create files/folders )
- browse to localhost/DotNetNuke in your web browser
- the application will automatically execute the necessary database scripts and provide feedback in the browser
Application Upgrades
- make sure you always backup your files/database before upgrading to a new version
- BACKUP your web.config file in the root of your site
- unzip the code over top of your existing application ( using the Overwrite and Use Folder Names options )
- rename release.config -> web.config
- merge any localized settings from your old web.config to the new web.config. These typically include:
- connection strings ( SiteSqlServer )
- machine keys ( validationKey and decryptionKey )
- objectQualifier
- browse to localhost/DotNetNuke in your web browser
- the application will automatically execute the necessary database scripts and provide feedback in the browser
Once i have done all the specified recommendations.. when i try to run the application through my browser.. i get the following error..
DotNetNuke Configuration Error
Access to the path 'C:\DotNetNuke\web.config' is denied.
DotNetNuke has extensive file upload capabilities for content, modules, and skins. These features require custom security settings so that the application is able to create and remove files in your website.
Using Windows Explorer, browse to the root folder of the website ( C:\DotNetNuke by default ). Right-click the folder and select Sharing and Security from the popup menu ( please note that if you are using Windows XP you may need to
Disable Simple File Sharing
before these options are displayed ). Select the Security tab. Add the appropriate User Account and set the Permissions.
- If using Windows 2000 - IIS5
- the [SERVER]\ASPNET User Account must have Read, Write, and Change Control of the virtual root of your website.
- If using Windows 2003 - IIS6
- the NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE User Account must have Read, Write, and Change Control of the virtual root of your website
Please let me know how this can be fixed.. already im half-bald fighting with this. Quick Response would be greatly appreciated.