This is kind of still my first install after a couple of misattempts at installing 4.0.2.
I just got a good install going of the new 4.0.3 using the "localhost/dotnetnuke/install/install.aspx?mode=install" method. I got my default page up, logged in and successfully changed passwords for admin and host (got the green icon), logged out, and now I cant log back in.
When I click Login, the IE address bar changes to http://localhost/dotnetnuke/Home/tabid/36/Default.aspx (is that just the home page, I think?) and nothing happens.
I was mucking about in Admin to change the logout screen so you dont get that page-not-found error on logout, on the Advanced tab somewhere (you know, where you set the splash screen, etc). I saw that somewhere on the forums here to fix the logout page error. I think I must have set the login page to Home!
Any way to back out of this? UGH! (I am an idiot, apparently, so if you reply, please don't use too many big words)
If you can manage to stop holding your sides LYAO long enough to type a reply, then Thanks in advance,