we are working for some time on a module, that shall cover both of your requests (and many more). We already finished your point 2: you can define custom fields as with UDT (but with additional properties. You can design your custom list, and (optionally) detail view as well as an edit form with our outstanding visual layout editor.
To hide colums or rows for specific users you can create additional modules, that reference the data source, optionally using a filter expression. You can also copy the view settings and remove fields, that shall be hidden. Moderation with email ntofication can be configured from the module settings page.
We are currently working to complete the use as a forms module and there are two more features missing (SQL table access and template handling) before the release, that shall be in a couple of weeks.
Unfortunately, due to the amount of work we put into it, it will not be free.
Have a look at the current developement state here, you can log in and test it for yourself.