Has anyone else noticed that after upgrading to 5.1.1 they get very few eventtypes in the eventlog?
Normally, the eventlog has all sorts of things, users logging in, application specific evnets, etc. This behavior seems to be common across all of my systems that have been upgraded.
The only think in my eventlog (or in the underlying table) is execptions and appstart events. nothing else.
Could this have something to do with the primary key change? Or is there some other configuration parameter that might not be correct?
In researching this further, my database stats show that the PurgeEventlog query is running every minute (is this right?) There is a task that says it purses the evetnlogcache every minute... am I confused? Anyway, this query being the # query in my system is very very new.
Looking @ the stored procedure, I think it is in error:
FROM dbo.DNN_EventLog
FROM dbo.DNN_EventLogConfig elc --- umm is this legal? is there a missing bit here?
FROM dbo.DNN_EventLog el
WHERE el.LogConfigID = elc.ID
and dbo.DNN_EventLog.LogTypeKey = el.LogTypeKey
and el.LogCreateDate >= dbo.DNN_EventLog.LogCreateDate
) > elc.KeepMostRecent