I try to find a simple way to redirect the user within the registration process after completing the user profile to a specific site.
The option "redirect after login" I don't like, after normal login the user should stay on the same page.
I tried to do this with a simple jquery:
$(document).ready(function() {
var myobj = document.getElementById("dnn_ctr1082_Login_Profile_cmdUpdate");
if (myobj) {
$("#dnn_ctr1082_Login_Profile_cmdUpdate input").attr("onclick", " Webform_DoPostBackWithOptions(new Webform_PostBackOptions('dnn$ctr1082$Login$Profile$ctl01', '', true, '', 'http://cms.ctmodule.com/default.aspx?tabid=443', false, false))");
$("#dnn_ctr1082_Login_Profile_cmdUpdate a").attr("href", " Webform_DoPostBackWithOptions(new Webform_PostBackOptions('dnn$ctr1082$Login$Profile$ctl02', '', true, '', 'http://cms.ctmodule.com/default.aspx?tabid=443', false, false))");
The jquery itself is working, the onclick and href are overwritten. After update the user should be redirected to this page: 'http://cms.ctmodule.com/default.aspx?tabid=443'. It seems to me that something is wrong with the parameters of new Webform_PostBackOptions() and I don't find some information about.
Thank you for some ideas and regards