1. I am apologies for syntax U describe is NOT allowed within attribute list of runat=server tag, because it IS SUPPORTED, sorry again
now to have complete this issue see what works for me:
<!-- workaround script for dnnTreeView -->
<script runat="server">
String GetPath()
return SkinPath;
<div id="LeftPane" runat="server" class="TreeViewMenu_Body">
<dnn:TREEVIEW runat="server" id="dnnTREEVIEW"
NodeCollapseImage='<%# GetPath()+"minusBig.gif" %>'
my page lang is C#, so I turned your function into it. Please note that attribute NodeCollapseImage MUST have ' single quote enclosing' in this case.
Note: Image file name MUST be either append like example above or sent as param to function, but definitelly U CAN'T do something like:
NodeCollapseImage='<%# GetPath() %>minusBig.gif'
Despite to most horrible syntax I've ever seen, thanx for help and if anybody can set this thread as resolved please do it (I can't see button).
Thanx again