I've search forum but no answer to this question found....
I have skin that uses DNNTreeView control for navigation, works great, U can check on ma.cenia.cz. What I am trying to do now is that I want to create normal install package which causes me serious problems.
My treeView uses custom images (I hate the original ones with dnn) and also updated layout, so inside ascx is something like:
<div id="LeftPane" runat="server" class="TreeViewMenu_Body">
<dnn:TREEVIEW runat="server" id="dnnTREEVIEW"
as U might see path for image is fixed to dnn root images folder (where I have images now). But when deploy as package I will need to include my images in Skin package and skin folder. I've tried almost all but nothing works. The context path of my skin is some /admin/skins.... and no way to force it to my current skin folder
Can anybody please help?
BTW: if anybody needs such a specific skin, please let me know, I can help with implement, it is not so easy to transfer fully from one dnn to another