Sorry about all the nonsense spacing. It's not me! Stupid rich text editor changed it!
Many people have commented on the fact that this module 'is closed' but does not work anymore on DNN version 5. I summarize here what I have found along with the changes which will at least make it work.
1. The categories will not display when a new tutorial is added. This problem was fixed by Steve White (7/28/2010) by making the following change to the Help_GetCategoryModules procedure:
ALTER procedure [dbo].[Help_GetCategoryModules]
@TabId int
SELECT * FROM dbo.ModuleDefinitions AS MD
INNER JOIN dbo.Modules AS M ON MD.ModuleDefID = M.ModuleDefID
INNER JOIN dbo.ContentItems AS CI ON M.ContentItemID = CI.ContentItemID
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.TabModules AS TM ON M.ModuleID = TM.ModuleID
WHERE (MD.FriendlyName = N'Category')
AND (TM.TabID = @TabId)
AND M.IsDeleted=0
order by TM.TabID
2. The search only looks for the specified word in the keywords, title, and text of the tutorial. The keywords in the Category are ignored. The following changes to the Help_SearchTutorials procedure includes keywords specified in the category definition (not its text or description):
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Help_SearchTutorials]
@Search nvarchar(100),
@ModuleCategoryId int
Description ='',
0 AS ViewOrder
FROM dbo.Help_Tutorials HT
INNER JOIN dbo.Help_TutorialCategory HTC ON HT.TutorialID = HTC.TutorialID
INNER JOIN dbo.Help_Category HC ON HTC.CategoryID = HC.CategoryID
WHERE (HC.ModuleID = @ModuleCategoryId AND HC.Visible = 1)
AND ( (HT.Title LIKE N'%' + @Search + '%')
OR (HT.KeyWords LIKE N'%' + @Search + '%')
OR (HT.ShortDesc LIKE N'%' + @Search + '%')
OR (HT.Description LIKE N'%' + @Search + '%')
OR (HC.keywords like N'%' + @Search + '%') )
3. When a tutorial is deleted, the corresponding Help_TutorialCategory record is not deleted. It is left hanging indefinitely. This can be fixed by adding the following statement to the Help_DeleteTutorial procedure:
DELETE from dbo.Help_TutorialCategory where TutorialID =@TutorialID
4. When a category is deleted, the Help_Category record is only marked as deleted. It is never accessed again or removed. This can be remedied by changing the Help_DeleteCategory procedure as follows:
-remove the UPDATE statement and replace it by the statement:
Delete from Help_Category where CategoryID=@categoryID
Finally, note that since the module is not maintained at present (it is 'closed' is the euphenism), you may need to maintain these changes in future updates.