Ok so to complete this thread or at least contribute to ongoing discussion, I can confirm the reasons behind the differences in speed. 20-30% of the problem arose from server location, the server on the faster site is in Amsterdam which is closer to us and has a lower ping time. The server on the slower site is in the US and has a higher ping time. The remainder is due to higher page load times in the version of 6.1.3 vs. 5.6.2. This performance difference is also documented by DNN at the Will's blog post that Cathal provided.
Performance seems to be one of the bigger challenges for DNN, I expect at some point DNN Corp. will focus more on this issue, it is clearly something they are interested in given the client resource management API. The performance issues are understandable, really, due to the large number of potential settings and the processing it takes to apply all the extra stuff that not everyone will use but which gives DNN some of it's appeal. Personally I would like to see a performance edition which has the ability to disable many of the features in favor of performance (of course, along with a string of other performance increase methodologies). This would be great in CE, but if anyone from DNN reads this...there could be significant revenue potential by making this available to PE and EE clients and marketing true, impressive performance metrics. I would envision some migration away from CE, and I think it is reasonable to have better performance for paid editions.
Hey, while I am at making suggestions that probably no one who matters will ever read or pay any attention to...lol...besides performance a respectable forum would be nice. Unfortunately this forum has some critical limitations that I think result in many, many people and companies opting not to use it and, DNN. This is purely speculative but seems like common sense with forums being such a big part of many portals. OK, so you click image manager on toolbar and get a folder of files on the site from all users across many different directories. Never seen such a thing on anything close to an 8K alexa site (like DNN), just really screams low standards. Next try and post a link with the link manager...you get a very large delay while waiting for the control to load something that should be entirely client side. Most other forums...instant, as in, was already on the page just hidden (there is 'lite' link manager for the telerik toolbar that does load quickly, should be being used here). Well I could go on but I think or hope for DNN'ers sake this forum will be replaced with the one purchased from active modules...it is just a much better forum. Unfortunately it has quite a few issues of it's own (many of which we have fixed in the source we purchased and more of which we will fix in the future...we would share these if DNN asked) and I would hope DNN fixes these before putting it out there. Long term, need to dump Telerik controls and create an effective and quick WYSIWYG editor. Of course, performance and search are other big issues, but at least with active forums performance is not bad, more work needed though on search, attachments, and a host of other issues (One of many examples... topic review when replying to a topic pulls all posts from the topic, not a problem if you have all topics with few posts but try loading that puppy when you have a topic with a few thousand replies, and kiss your browser goodbye...)
Ok, now let me push submit and wait far too long while the admittedly attractive telerik loading icon goes round and round and...