No, at present there is no additional data logged (we're looking to fix this, along with other poor logging in the next major release). You can see what happens in upgrade.cs in the upgradeto620 function i.e.
//add host (system) profanityfilter list
const string listName = "ProfanityFilter";
var listController = new ListController();
var entry = new ListEntryInfo();
entry.DefinitionID = Null.NullInteger;
entry.PortalID = Null.NullInteger;
entry.ListName = listName;
entry.Value = "ReplaceWithNothing";
entry.Text = "FindThisText";
entry.SystemList = true;
//add same list to each portal
var portalController = new PortalController();
foreach (PortalInfo portal in portalController.GetPortals())
entry.PortalID = portal.PortalID;
entry.SystemList = false;
entry.ListName = listName + "-" + portal.PortalID;
//also create default social relationship entries for the portal
//Convert old Messages to new schema
//Replace old Messaging module on User Profile with new
//Move Photo Property to the end of the propert list.
//Update Child Portal's Default Page
//Add core notification types
//Console module should not be IPortable
var consoleModule = DesktopModuleController.GetDesktopModuleByModuleName("Console", Null.NullInteger);
consoleModule.SupportedFeatures = 0;
consoleModule.BusinessControllerClass = "";
DesktopModuleController.SaveDesktopModule(consoleModule, false, false);
You can verify if the first 2 worked by checking the lists table to see if at least 2 list that start with ProfanityFilter exist - and you can check the last by checking the DesktopModules table -this will allow you to see if it started and ended. If it didnt make it to the end work backwards
- the AddCoreNotificationTypesFor620 function adds FriendRequest/FollowerRequest etc to the CoreMessaging_NotificationTypes table
- UpodateChildPortalsDefaultPage appears to rename any default.aspx redirect page in the child portal to subhost.aspx (and create an old_default.aspx)
- MoveProfileProperty reorders the Photo property in ProfilePropertyDefinition to be 0
- ReplaceMessagingModule adds the new message centre module to the profile tab and removes any exising messges modules
- ConvertOldMessages converts messages from the origjnal messaging format to the new messaging format (you'll have seen a "Converting old Messages to new format..." message if there were any to be found)