I am having a similar issue, but some users pics are fine and some are not - I have found it depend on the account type.
With some testing, this is what I have found out .... it seems that the broken profile pics is only a problem for "super users". (at least this is what I can confirm at this time)
For a regular user, they work fine. They can upload/update their profile pics as per normal. They can hit the profile pic dropdown and their uploaded pics will show in the list.
If I take that same user and change them to a super user, the pic that was previously working stops working and the profile pic dropdown no longer works. Now, I can upload a file and it will end up in the user dir, but it doesn't get processed at all (auto-create the different sizes), and the dropdown shows nothing, and no pics show in the profile.
If I take that same user and change them back to a "regular" user, everything is fine once again.
So, Im not sure if this was by design or if this is indeed a bug?