I will state for the German translation, that was packed with the core in DNN 3.0.x, that we translated the Terms and Privacy Statements directly - not word by word, but in their original sense, although they did not apply to European situation and mostly do not match our laws and customs. My aim was to allow american portals, who use the original texts unmodified, to present their users a German interface. I allways stated on our download site, that all portal owners should have a look at these texts and adopt them to fit their individual needs - depending on the location and purpose of the portal, as for Germany a web site does not necessarily need these Terms and Statements but has to provide an impressum with clearly defined details about the site owner (including postal address, fon and fax numbers, VAT number, etc.). So I have the problem, that even the text captions are not necessarily the same.
What I am really missing (and I already asked the core team for this) is a clear advice to portal users after finishing the portal setup, to adopt these texts and how to do this. ´
I also propose to have a separate admin menu item or at least a link in portal settings to these texts, so portal owners can easily edit their terms. They are currently deeply dug in the language editor and I believe, that many portal owner either don't find them or do not remember to edit them. This is one place, where the structure of the admin menu is merely technically driven than by user needs.