I realize that this problem has surfaced before. And I have all the possible resolutions I have tried below. I have done my homework on this and I have still come up empty. I really have no idea anymore what to try or how to proceed. The computer is still in the room, but it's right beside the window and.....
The error is...
It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level.
...and seems to be a wide reaching problem for a lot of people.
I have gone through countless pages and sites and forums and have a list of so called resolutions.
I have tried...
Set this to 'True'... <mvcbuildviews>false</mvcbuildviews>
Did that....no joy.
Extra or duplicate web.config file
Set as application.
"move your application to its own folder outside of the web root folder"
Did that...didn't work.
...modify your application's Web.config to remove the authentication, httpHandlers and httpModules...
Under 'Process Model'... change 'Load User Profile' to "True"
This was actually already set to 'True'
1- Open IIS 7.0
2- Select Default Web Site and Right-Click on it
3- Select Add Application... or Add Virtual Directory...
4- Select Contact as..
5- Change Path credentials: from Application user (pass-through authentication) to Specific user:
6- Add a Admin User with password like COMPUETRNAME\Administrator User
Tried this and when I click the "Test" button...SUCCESS!!!!!
But wait....no, still have the same configuration error.
Open the Feature View of your website.
Go to Handler Mappings.
Find the path for .cshtml
Right Click and Click Edit Feature Permissions
Select Execute
Hit OK.
Now try refreshing your website.
Had high hopes for this one....had
No joy
I have the physical path set to...
and in IIS when I click "Browse dnn7.com on *:80"
it actually takes me to www.dnn7.com which is a dead site!
And in regards to physical path, I have set it to the following:
with apppool set to
dnn7.com (the project in question)
Classic .NET AppPool
and well all the rest.
...and with all the combinations therein
And addressing the access possibility...
Authenticated users
forexbob (me)
Oolon (also me)
Network Service
I have other sites up and running...html and php. Hell I got Wordpress running relatively easily.
Oh and yes. Whenever I made a change, I did restart the appPool.
If you haven't surmised already, I am a rookie at this stuff. I play with it from time to time and have learned an immense amount. But this one's got me on the verge of giving up.
Is there anyone out there that might have a different, unique solution to this problem?