this should only affect MS Ajax library, all other libraries (jQúery etc) are configured in JS Library Management
I found the JS library on the extensions page. I'm guessing this is the one you are talking about? Anyhow, it's says the default CDN for jQuery is Google.
So I log in to make sure jQurey is required. I view source and it is still not using a CDN for jQuery. This is a new install of DNN 07.03.01 (20) .
I'm at a loss. How do I get DNN to use a CDN for jQuery and a fallback to self-hosted files ONLY if the CDN is down.
On a regular site I could do this:
|| document.write('<script
The information I have found for DNN and jQuery is somewhat confusing and lacking, but all seen to agree that using a script tag is a bad idea.