Matthias, thank you for your prompt response!
Good news: I have been playing around with this issue and have come up with a fix that works fine in my case:
Regarding the error "ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified." in the Forum Module v03.20.09.
The original solution (which is yellow and green higlighted in the script below) was proposed by John Liptak in:
The issue (and solution) posted in GEMINI by Alex Shirley is:
The solution I have found for those who cannot (or just don't want to) connect directly to the database:
1. Open the web.config file and search for the Connection String to the Database
2. Copy the values of the databaseOwner and objectQualifier fields. They are typically the following:
- databaseOwner = "dbo"
- objectQualifier = "" or "dnn_"
3. Replace those values in the script at the end of the post
- i.e. "{databaseOwner}" replaced by "dbo" and the same with "{objectQualifier}", do not use the quotes.
for example, the first line of the script should look like:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Forum_SearchGetResults
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.dnn_Forum_SearchGetResults
or your own one.
4. From your DNN application, under Host-SQL menu:
a) Paste the modified script
b) Mark "Run as Script"
c) Click on "Execute"
d) Wait for the "The Query completed successfully!" message.
5. Check that the error on the Forum Module is gone, by clicking the "My Posts" button.
ALTER PROCEDURE {databaseOwner}.{objectQualifier}Forum_SearchGetResults
@Filter nvarchar(500),
@PageIndex int,
@PageSize int,
@UserID int,
@ModuleID int,
@FromDate datetime,
@ToDate datetime
-- Create a temp table to store the select results
IndexID int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
ThreadID int
-- Create dynamic SQL to populate temporary table
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(2000)
SELECT @sql = 'INSERT INTO #PageIndex(ThreadID) SELECT DISTINCT(P.ThreadID) CreatedDate ' +
'FROM {objectQualifier}Forum_Posts P ' +
'INNER JOIN {objectQualifier}Forum_Threads T ON P.ThreadID = T.ThreadID ' +
'INNER JOIN {objectQualifier}Forum_Forums F ON T.ForumID = F.ForumID ' +
'INNER JOIN {objectQualifier}Forum_Groups G ON F.GroupID = G.GroupID ' +
'INNER JOIN {objectQualifier}Forum_Posts LP ON T.ThreadID = LP.ThreadID ' +
'WHERE P.ThreadID = T.ThreadID AND ' +
'T.ForumID = F.ForumID AND ' +
'F.GroupID = G.GroupID ' +
'AND P.[CreatedDate] > ''' + CONVERT(varchar, @FromDate) + ''' ' +
'AND P.[CreatedDate] < ''' + CONVERT(varchar, @ToDate) + ''' ' +
'AND P.IsApproved = 1 ' +
'AND P.IsLocked = 0 ' +
'AND G.ModuleID = ' + CONVERT(varchar, @ModuleID) + ' AND ' +
'( F.ForumID NOT IN (SELECT ForumID FROM {objectQualifier}Forum_PrivateForums) OR ' +
' F.ForumID IN ( ' +
'SELECT ForumID ' +
'FROM {objectQualifier}Forum_PrivateForums (nolock) ' +
'WHERE (RoleID IN (SELECT RoleID FROM {objectQualifier}UserRoles WHERE UserID = ' + CONVERT(varchar, @UserID) + ' ) ' +
'OR EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM {objectQualifier}Users WHERE UserID = ' + CONVERT(varchar, @UserID) + ' and IsSuperUser=1)))) ' +
@Filter + ' GROUP BY P.ThreadID , P.CreatedDate ORDER BY P.ThreadID DESC '
Print @sql
-- All of the rows are inserted into the table - now select the correct subset
DECLARE @PageLowerBound int
DECLARE @PageUpperBound int
DECLARE @RecordCount int
-- Set the page bounds
SET @PageLowerBound = @PageSize * @PageIndex
SET @PageUpperBound = @PageLowerBound + @PageSize + 1
SELECT @RecordCount = COUNT(*) FROM #PageIndex
Print @RecordCount
-- Select the data out of the temporary table
-- Select the data out of the temporary table
F.[Name] As ForumName,
RecordCount = @RecordCount,
(SELECT Count([ThreadID]) FROM {objectQualifier}Forum_ThreadRating WHERE ThreadID = PageIndex.ThreadID) As RatingCount,
(SELECT AVG([Rate]) FROM {objectQualifier}Forum_ThreadRating WHERE ThreadID = PageIndex.ThreadID) As Rating,
(SELECT Distinct Count(UserID) FROM {objectQualifier}Forum_ThreadsRead WHERE ForumID = T.[ForumID] AND UserID = FU.[UserID] AND P.[CreatedDate] > LastPurseDate AND ReadThreads NOT LIKE '%' + CONVERT(varchar, PageIndex.ThreadID) + ';%') As IsUnRead
{objectQualifier}Forum_Posts P
INNER JOIN {objectQualifier}Forum_Threads T ON P.ThreadID = T.ThreadID
INNER JOIN {objectQualifier}Forum_Forums F ON T.ForumID = F.ForumID
INNER JOIN {objectQualifier}Forum_Users FU ON P.UserID = FU.UserID, #PageIndex PageIndex
PageIndex.IndexID > @PageLowerBound AND
PageIndex.IndexID < @PageUpperBound AND
PageIndex.ThreadID = P.ThreadID AND
FU.[UserID] = P.[UserID] AND
P.[ThreadID] = T.[ThreadID] AND
P.[CreatedDate] > @FromDate AND
P.[CreatedDate] < @ToDate AND
T.[ForumID] = F.[ForumID] AND
(P.[CreatedDate] = (SELECT MAX([CreatedDate]) FROM {objectQualifier}Forum_Posts WHERE ThreadID = PageIndex.ThreadID)) AND
(F.ForumID NOT IN (SELECT ForumID FROM {objectQualifier}Forum_PrivateForums) OR
F.ForumID IN (
FROM {objectQualifier}Forum_PrivateForums
WHERE (RoleID IN (SELECT RoleID FROM {objectQualifier}UserRoles WHERE UserID = @UserID)
OR EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM {objectQualifier}Users WHERE UserID = @UserID and IsSuperUser=1))))
P.CreatedDate DESC