Here is another question: Somehow, when I delete the test child portals while perfecting our template, if I reuse a name for a portal that's deleted, I get the error that the Child Portal Name already exists. Well, it's not on Portal Settings, Portal Alias or Portals. I double checked by making sure there wasn't a stray setting of some sort in Portal Settings by querying for anything and everything where the portal ID is greater than zero.
Also, obviously, the Host Site Management menu was used to remove the portals. Several removals of portals have been done. That is, I'd do so many test portals to detect/ resolve issues, then delete them. I'd reuse a name just so I can be lazy and not re-create new names all the time. This iteration has happened about 3 times, then all of a sudden I get this error.
Only the Host Site Management menu has been used, nothing else.
Where else other than Portal Settings, Portals, Portal Alias might these settings be persisted?