I successfully complete upgrades 7.2 and 7.3 but 7.4 is giving issues. I've attached and gotten the point where it's causing an issue.
In PortalController.cs line 723:
private static PortalSettings GetCurrentPortalSettingsInternal()
PortalSettings objPortalSettings = null;
if (HttpContext.Current != null) {
objPortalSettings = (PortalSettings)HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"];
return objPortalSettings;
The line where it tries to pull from the HttpContext, results in a null value, so when it goes back to Globals.cs for IsEditMode()
public static bool IsEditMode()
return PortalController.Instance.GetCurrentPortalSettings().UserMode == PortalSettings.Mode.Edit &&
the .UserMode throws a NullReferenceException. I found this script which was supposed to help with Portal Settings Issues in 7.4:
https://dnnscript.codeplex.com/releas...but it didn't fix it.
So far, I'm at least upgraded from 7.0.4 to 7.3.0 and I just need this last fix for 7.4 to work.