I need some help in trying to sort out the performance problems we have been encountering on trying to move to Amazon cloud.
My development setup was on local VM machines, but at rollout to production my IT people wanted me to move to Amazon cloud.
so they cloned my local machine up on the cloud, and exported the db to and Amazon RDS db.
we got that working, but after going live we have been hammered with 100% CPU usage, the site will run ok for a while but eventually get hit with 100% usage and slow down, even lock up. We added Cloudflare in front of it to try to help, but that has not really improved things. It ran fine over the weekend, at about 40% usage, we added Cloudflare on Monday afternoon, and Tuesday night at 5:25 pm we hit 100% again. The logs don't show anything unusual; the actual visitor rate is not that high... the most visits are from googlebot.
we have used several server type, are currently at AWS c3.large
the server is AWS c3.large, IIS 8, server 2012, running several static support sites and the main DNN site www.wycliffe.net
the database is on an Amazon RDS db. db.t2.micro
Does anyone have a recommendation from experience of what machines it takes on Amazon to keep a moderate DNN site operating?
thanks in advance.