Dear Forum Team,
I tried to localize the new version. Unfortunately I encountered a "few" issues:
- Help Texts still contains references to Blog.
- Forum list accessible via top left icon does not get refreshed
- Many keys for action commands, buttons, …, are used many times and should be assembled in SharedResources.resx
- missing translation: ctlHeader (needs to be done in code)
- duplicate keys ForumHome.Text
- duplicate keys MyPosts.Text
- Buttons for “my Settings” and “my Posts” are too small for translated words.
- Forum List does not use altered Forum/Group Names and “Forums” needs to bee translated
- Help text is not appropriate
- multiple empty keys
- missing translation: ctlHeader (needs to be done in code)
- missing translation: DropDown values for ddlForumType „notification“ and „normal“
- obviously unused keys: plImport.Help plImport.Text,
plIntegrated.Help, plIntegrated.Text
plModules.Help, plModules.Text
- other keys (about NNTP-Server etc) not used – Rubbish or for future extension?
- missing translation for alt-Texts on icons “Add Remove…” and “Remove…”
By the way: Why do we need “remove…”, icon and alt text have not same meaning
- “Forum Type” is neither obvious nor anywhere described. Does it only allow disabling moderator notification for moderated forums?
- missing translation: ctlHeader (needs to be done in code)
- btnCloseGroup.AlternateText misspelling “collapse group…”
- use “back” instead of “cancel”
- Not an intuitive UI for adding a Forums group! Easiest would be to add a command button “add grop”, that collapses the current group and exposes Name field.
- Many keys (about NNTP-Server. ForumHome.text, etc) not used.
- Empty key chkEnableFooter.Text
- Help Text needs to be rewritten.
- Show footer setting should be moved to configuration
- MANY empty keys
- missing translation: ctlHeader (needs to be done in code)
- multiple empty keys
- unnecessary key of lblModerate.Help
- unnecessary keys for Attachments?
- Duplicate Key lblMessage.Help
- multiple empty keys
- multiple keys, that seems unused (lblAuditTitle.Text, lblAuditTitle.Help)
- missing translation: ctlHeader (needs to be done in code)
- missing translation for alt-Texts on icons “Add Remove…” and “Remove…”
- missing translation for “none specified”
- missing translation: ctlHeader (needs to be done in code)
- unnecessary Items “Add Blog”
- unnecessary Items “plEnableMaster”, plSourceDirectory
- misspelling in “plSkin.Help”
- misspelling in plRSSFeeds.Text
- missing translation: ctlHeader (needs to be done in code)
- unnecessary Items “Add Blog”, “BlogHome”
- multiple empty keys
- missing translation for alt-Texts on icons “Add Remove…” and “Remove…”
- missing “back” command
- missing translation: ctlHeader (needs to be done in code)
- missing translation for “all”
- missing translation for alt-Texts on icon “edit”
- multiple empty keys
- missing translation for “records on page”
- missing translation: ctlHeader (needs to be done in code)
- multiple empty keys
- Statistics not translated
- missing translation: ctlHeader (needs to be done in code)
- unnecessary Items “Add Blog”
- missing translation for “none specified”
- missing translation for alt-Texts on icons “Add Remove…” and “Remove…”
- plUserName.Help: States, that user name can be edited
I finished the translation so far, but will not publish it, before the number of issues has decreased significant. I would be pleased to get information from team about time frame for next version.
Sebastian Leupold
PS: who sent the whole Q&A sub-team on vacation?