Hi forum
Almost exactly a month later when I began this thread, and we have made real progress in validating and moving bugs from the Gemini public forums over to the private forums. I could be wrong (haven't tracked it that well), but I think we've cleared through around 400 to 500 issues.
A lot of these issues are being dealt at a rapid pace by the core team, who deserve a round of applause, just look at the roadmap here for the next 4.4.1 release, are you familiar with any of these outstanding issues?
There are still around 370 bugs to go (and possibly an additional 140 may turn up in the forum soon plus all your new issues) so I realise it ain't over till it's over, and that's forgetting about tasks and enhancements for the moment.
Now I also realise the situation still isn't acceptable, but I decided rather than put up, whinge and complain about it, to actually help do something about it, esp. after Shawns offer. Note we still lack the resources here and all these issues are a heck of a lot for one volunteer to handle, but I do now see a light at the end of the tunnel in bugsville.
I hope this helps...
Please note, if you decide you decide to log an issue in Gemini please check DNN Core Framework [ PUBLIC ] and DNN Core Framework projects first, there is a 75% possibility your issue has already been logged. Also really consider in the grand scheme of things, is your issue really a bug or an enhancement.
Q - Have you already logged an issue in DNN Core Framework [ PUBLIC ]?
a) Is your issue still in this forum?
b) Is the issue marked as complete? (yes, strange but true!)
c) Is your issue a bug?
If the answer to all four questions is yes then please could you test your issue in DNN 4.4.0 or later.
If your issue is still outstanding and be recreated please register a comment on your issue in Gemini.
Equally important! - should you issue be need to be closed, please also let us know by leaving a comment on your issue in Gemini. Note issues marked as complete aren't being treated as closed right now (a temporary situation).
Please help us to help you!