I don't think the fix is just that simple. I had a "similar" issue, but same server. I actually changed the alias to one of the portals on my development server and deleted the old alias... all "auto-generated" links work great, but any of the links in the HTML editor still pointed to the old alias under which they were created (using the FCKEditor provider). In other words, I may have had a link that referenced http://www.someoldalias.com/somepages/tabid/etc that, upon deleting the old alias will obviously come up "page cannot be displayed". The problem is that the new alias doesn't automatically propagate over all of the "static" links.
What I ended up doing was writing a little SQL script to modify the HtmlText table en masse for this specific portal and replace all instances of "someoldalias" with "somenewalias". The caveat to this is that for my script to work, none of the HtmlEditor areas could have more than 8000 characters (including source HTML), otherwise it would have suffered data loss. Luckily, my biggest one was only 5k characters. My script:
--SELECT script to make sure I wouldn't suffer data loss
len(convert(varchar(8000), desktophtml)) as charcount
dbo.HtmlText INNER JOIN
dbo.Modules ON dbo.HtmlText.ModuleID = dbo.Modules.ModuleID
(dbo.Modules.PortalID = 5)
AND (dbo.HtmlText.DesktopHtml LIKE '%foober.homeip.net%')
-- UPDATE script to replace all the old instances with new instance
DesktopHtml = REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar(8000), DesktopHtml), CONVERT(varchar(8000),'foober.homeip.net'), CONVERT(varchar(8000),'sleepingbag.homeip.net'))
dbo.HtmlText INNER JOIN dbo.Modules
ON dbo.HtmlText.ModuleID = dbo.Modules.ModuleID
(dbo.Modules.PortalID = 5)
AND (dbo.HtmlText.DesktopHtml LIKE '%foober.homeip.net%')
What would be nice is if changing the alias could go change all the Html areas and remove the old alias and replace with new alias... but in the meantime, at least a script can do it.
-- Fooberichu