OK, so I've seen some other people have the same problem as the one I originally posted, I have googled for answers everywhere, and it seems no one really came up with a solution...
I finally got my install to work, I don't know what the exact fix is, but looking back it seems it is a requirement to spend at least a full day with as much help from as many sources as possible to get a godaddy root install to work. The error I have posted went away and intialized the install after copied Siteurls to my root and re-uploaded my Install file...
Now I have another problem, my page is up, but I cannot login as either host or admin - it's as if neither accounts exist at all! This is embarrasing as I'm happy to have gotten as far as I have, but now anyone can navigate to my page and the instructions for an admin and host login are right there... there is no admin tab.. or host tab... I've tried everything from user: admin/inistrator pwd: dnnadmin/admin, host login, using my SQL login, hosting manager login, godaddy login... nothing. I able to create an account, but that's useless - there is no content management without host or admin..
hopefully someone can get back to me on this, my first post obviously had no luck whatsoever. Your time is greatly appreciated, thank you in advance