Hi there,
I just performed an upgrade from 4.3.6 to 4.5.1 and noticed some issues. I performed this procedure once after backing up the database and everything.
After I pointe my browser to Install/Install?mode=upgrade, my browser first redirected to Install/Underconstruction.aspx and displayed a page with the following message:
"This is site is currently unavailable. Please check back later."
So, I pointed my browser to the same link(install.aspx?mode=upgrade) once more and it displayed the following installation log:
Upgrade Status Report
00:00:00.031 - Upgrading to Version: 4.5.1
00:00:00.062 - Executing Script: 04.03.07.SqlDataProvider Success
00:00:00.187 - Executing Script: 04.04.00.SqlDataProvider Error! (see 04.04.00.log for more
00:00:00.890 - Executing Script: 04.04.01.SqlDataProvider Success
00:00:00.984 - Executing Script: 04.05.00.SqlDataProvider Success
00:00:02.296 - Executing Script: 04.05.01.SqlDataProvider Error! (see 04.05.01.log for more
00:00:02.781 - Performing General Upgrades
00:00:03.328 - Installing Module File Announcements_03.03.05_Install: Success
00:00:04.515 - Installing Module File Blog_3.02.00_Install: Success
00:00:07.890 - Installing Module File Contacts_3.1_Install: Success
00:00:08.609 - Installing Module File Documents_03.01.05_Install: Success
00:00:09.500 - Installing Module File Events_3.2_Install: Success
00:00:12.265 - Installing Module File FAQs_3.1_Install: Success
00:00:13.031 - Installing Module File Feedback_03.02.01_Install: Success
00:00:14.562 - Installing Module File Forum_3.20.08_Install: Success
00:00:19.531 - Installing Module File Gallery_3.0.12_Install: Success
00:00:22.922 - Installing Module File Help_2.0.4_Install: Success
00:00:25.984 - Installing Module File HTML_3.3.0_Install: Success
00:00:26.672 - Installing Module File IFrame_3.2_Install: Success
00:00:27.390 - Installing Module File Links_3.3_Install: Success
00:00:28.312 - Installing Module File Media_03.02.02_Install: Success
00:00:29.093 - Installing Module File NewsFeeds_3.1.1_Install: Success
00:00:29.797 - Installing Module File Reports_4.3.1_Source: Success
00:00:30.547 - Installing Module File Repository_3.1.10_Install: Success
00:00:34.109 - Installing Module File Store_01.00.01_Install: Success
00:00:45.640 - Installing Module File Survey_04.00.20_Install: Success
00:00:46.750 - Installing Module File UserDefinedTable_03.03.06_Install: Success
00:00:47.969 - Installing Module File UsersOnline_3.1_Install: Success
00:00:48.703 - Installing Module File WhatsNew_3.3_Install: Success
00:00:49.422 - Installing Module File XML_3.1_Install: Success
00:00:49.453 - Installing Template C:\home\projects\webapps\dnn\Install\Template\Cotelco New.template:
00:00:49.453 - Installing Template C:\home\projects\webapps\dnn\Install\Template\Cotelco
Upgrade Complete
Click Here To Access Your Portal
Everything seems to be working fine as far as I have noticed. But I wonder, if the two errors that were displayed in the install log are anything to be worried about.
Also, the solutions browser at the top of each portal does not seem to be working. It goes to a page where in the usual portal menus are displayed and under the module , it says,
Solutions Explorer |
'undefined' is null or not an object |
'undefined' |
I tried this whole procudure twice. After facing this problem the first time, I restored my database, recopied my files and redid the entire upgrade process. I have the very same problem and the installation log was also completely identical. I also do not know where to look for the error logs specified. (see 0.see 04.04.00.log for more information)
I look forward to your comments and thoughts.
Thanks in advance,