Allright! I seem to have found the problem !!!
When I copied the source files to the webserver, I copied them directly in the root of the website. This seemed to cause the error.
When I first created a folder and copied the files in that folder and created a new virtual folder (and created an application from it), the site works fine.
I looked in the Default.aspx.vb fie and in this section:
' error loading skin - load default
If ctlSkin Is Nothing Then
' could not load skin control - load default skin
If IsAdminSkin(PortalSettings.ActiveTab.IsAdminTab) Then
PortalSettings.ActiveTab.SkinSrc = Common.Globals.HostPath & SkinInfo.RootSkin & glbDefaultSkinFolder & glbDefaultAdminSkin
PortalSettings.ActiveTab.SkinSrc = Common.Globals.HostPath & SkinInfo.RootSkin & glbDefaultSkinFolder & glbDefaultSkin
End If
ctlSkin = LoadSkin(PortalSettings.ActiveTab.SkinSrc)
End If
The ctlSkin object was still 'nothing' after the IF. Seems like the variable 'PortalSettings.ActiveTab.SkinSrc', pointed to /Portals/_Default....' and that file could not be loaded.
I checked with my local install (with a virtual folder) and there the variable was:
So that was the only difference in the entire install, and obviously was the problem all the time. I think when installing in the root the first / should be removed. So '/Portals/... ' would become 'Portals/...'.
I couldn't find the file in which this variable is declared, but now we all know...
All I have to do now is get the CSS menu working, which also didn't get much replies (see forum of skinning!")