I have a web host account on WH4L on a shared server which was running DNN 2.1.2 for about a year with no problems, performance acceptable. I upgraded the DNN this week to DNN 3.2.2. Upgrade went well.
But now I am getting Disk space errors, see -
In some cases , msgs say server can`t load specific (and different ones at different times) core DNN .dll`s
Other times the msgs specifically state out of disk space like at http://www.webhoston.com/test+pane.aspx
In my Log, I get corresponding msgs which state:
unhandled error loading module.
dotnetnuke.services.exceptions.moduleloadexception: there is not enough space on the disk. ---> system.web.httpexception: there is not enough space on the disk. ---> system.io.ioexception: there is not enough space on the disk. at system.io.__error.winioerror(int32 errorcode, string str) at system.io.filestream.writecore(byte[] buffer, int32 offset, int32 count) at system.io.filestream.flushwrite() at system.io.filestream.flush() at system.io.filestream.dispose(boolean disposing) at system.io.filestream.close() at system.io.stream.system.idisposable.dispose() at system.web.stringresourcebuilder.createresourcefile(string resfilename) at system.web.compilation.basecompiler.getcompiledtype() at system.web.ui.usercontrolparser.compileintotype() at system.web.ui.templateparser.getparsercacheitemthroughcompilation() --- end of inner exception stack trace --- at system.web.ui.templateparser.getparsercacheiteminternal(boolean fcreateifnotfound) at system.web.ui.templateparser.getparsercacheitemwithnewconfigpath() at system.web.ui.templateparser.getparsercacheitem() at system.web.ui.templatecontrolparser.compileandgetparsercacheitem(string virtualpath, string inputfile, httpcontext context) at system.web.ui.templatecontrolparser.getcompiledtype(string virtualpath, string inputfile, httpcontext context) at system.web.ui.usercontrolparser.getcompiledusercontroltype(string virtualpath, string inputfile, httpcontext context) at system.web.ui.templatecontrol.loadcontrol(string virtualpath) at dotnetnuke.ui.skins.skin.injectmodule(control objpane, moduleinfo objmodule, portalsettings portalsettings) --- end of inner exception stack trace ---
I found a newspost out on the web stating this may be due to a bug in Win Server 2003 SP1, which has a hotfix
see microsoft at http://support.microsoft.com/?id=909289
Has anyone else seen these errors? Can anyone confirm the Microsoft Technet article is the problem I am having?
Any help or ideas are appreciated.
J. Reirdon