Hi, when an user register to my page, the system send him a message that his suscribtion will be verified by the admin, that is ok, but then 2 thing happens:
1.- As the administrator, I never receive the notification email that a new user is registered, so I can authorize him/her.
2.- When I go to user accounts and I authorized the user, i get this message:
Error: Edit User Accounts is currently unavailable.
DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: The specified string is not in the form required for a subject. ---> System.ArgumentException: The specified string is not in the form required for a subject. at System.Net.Mail.Message.set_Subject(String value) at System.Net.Mail.MailMessage.set_Subject(String value) at DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail.SendMail(String MailFrom, String MailTo, String Cc, String Bcc, MailPriority Priority, String Subject, MailFormat BodyFormat, Encoding BodyEncoding, String Body, String Attachment, String SMTPServer, String SMTPAuthentication, String SMTPUsername, String SMTPPassword) at DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail.SendMail(String MailFrom, String MailTo, String Bcc, String Subject, String Body, String Attachment, String BodyType, String SMTPServer, String SMTPAuthentication, String SMTPUsername, String SMTPPassword) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Users.ManageUsers.cmdUpdate_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
It seems that the problem is something about SMTP, but i test the SMTP Server setting and i receive the email, and when I set to Public the security settings the get automatically the access to the page.
Anyone have some ideas? Thanks