Jeff Cochran wrote
playah wrote
copied the files to the root, but then the site won't work.
Man, I hate those "won't work" errors. Did you try the "Now Works" patch?
Seriously, what "won't work" here? Did you configure the alias correctly?
LOL.... sorry, but that was from an earlier post:
When I copied the source files to the webserver, I copied them directly in the root of the website. This seemed to cause the error.
When I first created a folder and copied the files in that folder and created a new virtual folder (and created an application from it), the site works fine.
I looked in the Default.aspx.vb fie and in this section:
' error loading skin - load default
If ctlSkin Is Nothing Then
' could not load skin control - load default skin
If IsAdminSkin(PortalSettings.ActiveTab.IsAdminTab) Then
PortalSettings.ActiveTab.SkinSrc = Common.Globals.HostPath & SkinInfo.RootSkin & glbDefaultSkinFolder & glbDefaultAdminSkin
PortalSettings.ActiveTab.SkinSrc = Common.Globals.HostPath & SkinInfo.RootSkin & glbDefaultSkinFolder & glbDefaultSkin
End If
ctlSkin = LoadSkin(PortalSettings.ActiveTab.SkinSrc)
End If
The ctlSkin object was still 'nothing' after the IF. Seems like the variable 'PortalSettings.ActiveTab.SkinSrc', pointed to /Portals/_Default....' and that file could not be loaded.
I checked with my local install (with a virtual folder) and there the variable was:
So that was the only difference in the entire install, and obviously was the problem all the time. I think when installing in the root the first / should be removed. So '/Portals/... ' would become 'Portals/...'.