Hi Lori,
Hopefully you were able to resolve this issue. If not, then please see the instructions below.
As for the FrontPage extensions, they do need to be removed. Since it takes the Virtual Directories with it when removed, you may need to recreate them in the Hosting Control Center.
I hope this helps you out!
Alicia R.
Go Daddy Hosting
Domain Alias
1. Navigate to your Hosting Control Panel
2. Click on Domain Management
3. Create a new domain alias.
a. Enter the Domain information into the fields provided.
b. Enter the location as the folder that your DotNetNuke installation occurs at.
c. Click create
d. Wait for the Domain Alias to be created.
This will create a new entry into the Host Name Headers property in IIS and point your domain to the folder location that you have chosen
Current Domain: MyDomain.com
DotNetNuke Installation: MyDomain.com\DNN
Alias Domain: MyAlias.com
Alias Path: \DNN
Portal Creation
1. To create a portal in DotNetNuke, the user must be logged in as the super user of the account with access to the hosts menu item.
2. Click on the hosts menu item and portals sub menu item.
3. In order to create a new portal one or more templates must exist to pre-populate the portal with data.
a. Click Export template from underneath the portal listings
b. Choose the portal from the drop down menu that you wish to create the template from.
c. Enter all required fields to name and describe the portal template
d. Click create to finish the process.
4. This will take you back to the portals page. Click Create Portal now.
5. Enter information about the portal into the required fields and choose a template from the drop down menu.
6. Click the Parent Radio button.
7. In the portal alias field enter the name of the domain that you want aliased to this location followed by the path to the DotNetNuke installation.
8. Click Create
Current Portal: MyDomain.Com\DNN
New Portal Alias: MyAlias.com\DNN
Note: When you navigate to MyAlias.com in your browser you will now see your new portal and http://MyAlias.com will be in the navigation textbox in your browser. It’s important to note that the way DotNetNuke resolves the alias, you must append the root folder path to the alias domain in your DotNetNuke portal creation. If not, DotNetNuke will be unable to resolve the alias and will return you to the default portal. If this happens go back to the portal editing page and edit your portal alias.