I have just upgraded my Portal from v4.4.0 to V4.8.2.
Ever since the upgrade, the portal hangs when I update any setting in the Host Settings page.
The problem seems to be a database one as I just ran a SQL Profile Trace while attempting a Host Settings update and after just 2 minutes it had already created over 19,000 rows!!!!!
So we stopped the trace and I have been trying to analyse the results!
One of the rows that crops up all the time (over 1,700) is this:
exec dbo.GetTabPermissionsByTabID @TabID=-1,@PermissionID=-1
Another row that has shown up over 100 times is this:
exec dbo.GetPortalAliasByPortalID @PortalID=0
I can't really upload the whole trace file to the forum as it is just so big, but has anyone seen this type of error before?
Or is there another way of sharing this trace so that it can be viewed by the community?