I have bumped into a problem:
As an administrator of a DNN4.02 portal running on ASP2.0 I can manage registered users via the Admin function. I can also amend my own usersettings by clicking on my name, once i have logged in to DNN.
On DNN3.2 Registered users could manage their own data by clicking on their name as well. In DNN4.02 users can see their data. The form with the data appears and they may alter the data. However, when they click on "update" they get "error on page" in the lower left corner on the status bar of Internet Explorer.
When users click on "update" a script is executed: WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new%20WebForm_PostBackOptions("dnn:ctr-1:Register:cmdRegister",%20"",%20true,%20"",%20"",%20false,%20true)).
Exactly the same script is executed when I'm logged in as an administrator. However as an administrator the script works and as a registered user and/or subscriber the script does not work.
Does anybody have a clue on how this problem may be fixed?
Jeroen van Craaikamp